По седумнеделните пости со кој се прочистува и душата и телото и со кој Христијаните се сообразуваат со подвигот на Господ, кој во пустината постел 49 дена следува најголемиот Христијански празник Христовото Воскресение-Велигден…
Read more →CREATIVE IDEA SHAPING AND COLORING EASTER EGGS WITH ERASERS DECORATING EGGS WITH ERASERS NECESSARY MATERIAL: – Colors for eggs from PALETA 7 (colors by choice) – Erasers – Alcoholic vinegar – Cooking oil – Decoratuve straw from PALETA 7 (color by choice)
Read more →After the seven weeks of fasting with which you are purification your soul and body and the Christians comply with the feat of God, who in the desert feasted for 49 days after it’s the biggest Christian feast Christian resurrection -Easter…
Read more →HOW IS CALCULATED THE DATE OF EASTER? We all know that Easter is a holiday with a non-permanent date for celebration. The day does not change, but the date changes. It may be in April and May. The time distance from which Easter can fall is determined
Read more →This feast comes after few big winter feasts and it linking large number of spring feasts. When it comes word for the feast Forgiveness can’t be neglected the days which precedes this feast. One week before Forgiveness in Saturday is All Souls’ day…
Read more →First step: If you decide to dye the Easter eggs in one color, and that is the traditional Red dye, it’s necessary the fresh eggs to select or buy dark (yellow) peel…
Read more →By the many new techniques and methods of dyeing Easter eggs, many housewife steel dyeing eggs on the old fashion way with onion. Necessary materials are peels of onion, water, vinegar and eggs…
Read more →WORLD EGG DAY World Egg Day was established at the IEC Vienna 1996 conference when it was decided to celebrate World Egg Day on the second Friday in October each year. Since than world egg day is celebrated every year. The porpoise was to pay attention to
Read more →(Македонски) Сподели и добиј: СЕКОЈА НЕДЕЛА: По 3 Велигденски Пакета за Обојување, Декорирање и Украсување на најмалку 350 Велигденски јајца… ГЛАВНА НАГРАДА за најубава Велигденска фотографија: Летување на ЛЕФКАДА за 2 Особи со Вклучен превоз „ЛЕТО 2016“…
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